

A friend of mine I haven't seen for a long time asked me to go out to karaoke about 1 p.m. today. Fortunately, I was free then, so I went to his house first(^_^) When I arrived there, 'my friends who you know also come here. Therefore, 5 people including us are going to go to a karaoke bar. Is that OK!?' he said. That's all right for me, so I agreed his offer(^^)/ Then, about 3 p.m., we got to SoundPark, a karaoke bar. We sang songs for 5 hours(*^_^*) Interestingly, we sang only songs whose title are 3 letters while we were in a karaoke room because one of us proposed that to me and other friends(*^^)v It was hard for me to select the songs(>_<) However, I enjoyed singing them very much(^◇^)[135 words]

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