
Fast food restaurants

There are some fast-food restaurants. I will introduce two ones♪

First, KFC(Kentucky Fried Chicken) is popular for a fried chicken restaurant, you know. There are a lot of menus. I like Twister very much!(^^)! The prices of menus are a little expensive for us, but tastes are great, I think.

Second, MacDonald is a famous hamburger restaurant. There are menus as many as KFC. I recommend you Salad Dish because if you have it, you will have both fried or grilled chickens and salads(^_-)-☆ A price of it is a bit expensive. However, prices of other menus are reasonable.

Both of them are easy for us to use. I wanna go to KFC or MacDonald with my friends again sometime!!!

2 件のコメント:

Paul Beaufait さんのコメント...

Hey, Satoshi!

You've got some fine pictures on your fast food restaurant post. More power to you for going out and getting them, and writing them up!

I was watching TV today, and saw an ad. for one of them, MacD's, that suggested that the main promotional character's name was Donald McDonald, rather than Ronald.

Can you confirm that? Cheers.

Paul Beaufait さんのコメント...

It would also be nice to know the locations of the stores that you photographed and dates. Perhaps you could put locations and dates in captions below each picture.