There is an island near Scotland. The name of the island is Lana. Lana isn't big, but it's very beautiful and quiet. Then, there is a castle on Lana. A young man, Duncan McTavish, lives in the castle with his dog, Jock. In Duncan's castle, there are many big rooms. The castle is very cold and dark in winter. One Monday morning in April, Duncan gets a letter. It is from the electricity company. 'Electricity from October to March: 5000 pounds,' it says. He doesn't have 5000 pounds, so he decides to sell his island and castle. He telephones Mr Moneybags who sells houses and castles in London. 2 days later, Mr Moneybags telephones Duncan. 'Leaping Larry, a famous American rock star, wants to buy your island for his girlfriend. He wants to see the island tomorrow afternoon,' Mr Moneybags says. On the day, Larry and his girlfriend, Roxanne, come to the island by helicopter. She is with her dog, Bobo. They go into Duncan's castle. It's very dark, so Larry falls down. 'Where are the lights?' he asks. 'I'm sorry, there isn't any light. The company stopped my electricity this morning. Therefore, there aren't hot food and hot water either,' Duncan says. 'I do not like this place,' Roxanne says. In the morning, a fact is uncovered. Larry will build a big new house on Lana! Duncan doesn't think he wants to sell his island. They see the island by his boat. 'We can make the island interesting. I know people with film companies. They can come here and make films,' Larry says on the way. When Duncan hears about that, his thought he doesn't want to sell the island gets hardened. Suddenly, Jock jumps into the sea to catch a rabbit on the island. Then, Bobo jumps in, too. 'Larry! Get Bobo!' Roxanne screams. However, he can't swim, so he doesn't move. Because of that, Larry and Roxanne quarrels. She moves a lot on the boat, so she falls into the water. Duncan helps her. 'Take me back to California!' she says. After that, Larry and Roxanne go back there. 'Larry isn't going to buy my island,' Dancan says. However, he can't get 5000 pounds. A day later, he sees a woman who is painting a picture. She is Jean Stewart, a teacher. He takes her to his castle. 'I have no money. I love my island, but I can't make money from it!' he says. 'People can come here for holidays. They can paint pictures of your island. We can make a lot of money!' she says. 'You're right,' he says. Now McTavish Painting Holidays are very famous. Every year, many visitors come to the island. The rooms in the castle aren't cold and dark now because they can get a lot of money. Then, Duncan and Jean married now. They have 2 children. Ultimately, Duncan gets happy!!
I thought Duncan had a deep affection for Lana because he didn't think he wanted to sell his island when he heard Larry's axe. Then, Jean seemed to be a savior of Duncan and the woman for him when I read ISLAND FOR SALE. The reasons why I thought so are that he got a lot of money thanks to her idea and married her! By the way, the content of it may be easy for you to understand, so how about reading it if you haven't read it? [626 words]
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