
A passion fruit

My parents bought a passion fruit which is called a 'dragon fruit' yesterday(^_^) The reason why it is called so is that its peel is like dragon's one though the left picture doesn't show its peel unfortunately. It contains much vitamin C relatively. Personally, the taste wasn't so tasty(-_-;) In this connection, the taste is like a subtle peach flavor♪ By the way, as you can see, its color is purple. Therefore, when I saw it, I thought it is a little eerie(ーー;) What do you think about the passion fruit('dragon fruit')(?_?) [92 words]

4 件のコメント:

Minatuki さんのコメント...

Wow, what is this? Dragon Fruit? That's strange, but I have ever heard the name once. It has much vitamin C, doesn't it? I like such foods very much, so I'd like to buy it someday. Where did your mother buy it?

みかん さんのコメント...

Hi!! I have never seen DRUGON FRUITS.
This picture is good!!

Satoshi さんのコメント...

Thanks, Minatsuki♪ My mother bought it at Shiranui Hot Spring Center Commercial Museum in Uki City. The price is about 600 yen(^_^)

Satoshi さんのコメント...

Thank you for your comment, Mikan(^^♪ I didn't see the 'dragon fruit' until my mother bought it on November 10. If you have a chance to have it, do you wanna have it(?_?)